
Friday, August 8, 2014

Great day with a sad moment!

So let's get the sad out of the way first! I didn't get to the TPT Sale on time...I have a cart full of items that went up $20 because I didn't make it in time! Booo!!!!

I guess I will have to hold off on SOME of my purchases until the next sale. I think there will be another one soon if I remember correctly from last year!  Right? I hope so!

The good news, our family "trip" to the big city was great.  As I mentioned, we took our son to his first Toronto Blue Jay's game.  We had a blast!  It is the first time we have taken him in to the heart of the city.  Let me tell you, he was mesmerized! I mean, I wouldn't call us country folk, but we are from a small, tourist town, so the lights, noise, people, and tall, tall buildings are a sight to see. To be fair, I have not really grown out of the childlike feeling each time we go to the city, that he was experiencing.  Back in the day, I applied to university in the city but I ended up choosing Nipissing University, in North Bay, that had more of the small-town feel that I love. Had I gone to university in Toronto, I probably would have got over the feeling of excitement and wonderment eventually...right?

So...he got to experience his first subway ride, first time in the city, and his first ball game.  He did great and kept going strong (with a few moments of exhausted daze-outs) until almost midnight! He has been talking about the game all week and asking for updates on their other games. During the game, he asked MANY, MANY questions, but I am happy to report that I was able to answer almost all of them, and when I wasn't, I said, "Ask Daddy!" Note: The Jays have had many injuries, and only won one game out of the three, against the Baltimore Orioles.  The game was fun, nonetheless! 

For me, I have a love/hate relationship with baseball.  I had a great time at the game, but the next night, we went to watch my "husband" play ball and it ended with a three hour visit to the ER. Whenever there is an injury, his team knows it is him! This week, he was running and hyper-extended his leg.  It looks like it may be a small tear in his muscle but the next step is an MRI to confirm and fingers-crossed for a quick recovery and no surgery! It looks like this one may be the end of baseball for him, but we have also been through a broken hand, a concussion from a direct hit to the head with the ball, knee surgery, and many cuts, bruises and strains! I mean really, does anyone else's significant others "play" like they are still twenty?  Thank goodness this injury happened AFTER the Jay's game. It cut our family holiday short, so for now, it is back to household chores, Back to School prep., and a little R & R.

Also, the other day, this arrived...

Hayden is excited about this book exchange.  I just hope, at least some people keep it going, so that he receives a few books.  On our part, we need to send one book to a 3 month old boy.  Since he is so young, I think it is important to select the book carefully! I need your help! Please me ideas for our book selection. What are your favourites? What are some must haves?  I have so many ideas, I don't know how we will narrow it down, but I want to hear from you! Please leave your favourites in the comments!

Happy Friday,

Jackie (a.k.a. ...)

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I am linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for Currently August

I am sure it needs no explanation, and I am excited to start doing these with my own class to highlight the months.  What fun! Check it out (click on the picture below to link to Farley's TPT shop).

Now for my August Currently!

Listening...My newest joy comes from turning off all "technology" except the radio and reading a book...although I have to admit that half the time I am reading from my Kobo, so not really technology free. When this song comes on, my boy and I can't help but tap our foot or SING along...

Loving...My "husband"officially started his holidays on Saturday.  We aren't going away, but do have a few day trips planned and are excited to take our son to his first baseball game.  We will be going here...

We will be watching the Jays play the Orioles! Since he started T-Ball this year, he is pretty excited about baseball and is thrilled to be going to this game.  I hope it is a beautiful day and they play with the roof open.  The Rogers Centre (otherwise known as the Skydome till 2005) is such a great building and with all of the other sights in Downtown Toronto, I am sure it will be a busy, fun-filled day!

Thinking...with stores stalking up with all the Back 2 School items, and making purchases of my own, it is hard to avoid the ongoing To-Do List...although the shopping part is always fun...

This doesn't even include my Educents purchases!
Wanting... Money, Money, Mo-ney! There are so many great products out there, that I have had my eye on for the B2S Sale starting tomorrow. So, after returning from a family BBQ I will be spending the evening catching up on leaving feedback, to earn more credits towards my B2S Sales shopping.  I mean, knowing how much I spent last year, I may as well prepare myself!  

Needing... I have created a list of things I would like to do around the house, before heading back to school. I have a dresser I want to refinish for my neice, some bedroom purging and rearranging to do, and some clutter that needs to find a new home (a.k.a. the shelving units I bought) or...the problem is that I am quickly running out of time, and the day-to-day always seems to find a way of stalling these projects!

The Return in NEAR...I find I often skip the at-home projects for the school projects (I think they come more naturally to me) so if I don't get a move on soon, I will be right back into B2S mind-set.  I know many of you are nearing the end of your holidays or have already started back.  My kiddos don't return until Sept. 2nd, and at this point, I don't know when I will be allowed to return.  We don't have any PD Days or required hours to be there pre-kids, but in true teacher fashion, most of us will be there for the entire week before (and sometimes late into the night) if not longer.  We just have to wait on custodian approval to enter our rooms! For now, I am putting that out of my mind.  I have a week of Family Time Adventures to focus on!

Thanks for sticking with me.  Off to give some feedback! :) 

Jackie (a.k.a...)

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